I was first introduced to spicy romance
at the tender age of ten when my two friends showed me a book that one
of them found under her parents' mattress. Now, I'm sure I don't have
to tell you what kind of book we were reading, but I will tell you we
sat there and giggled our fool heads off. If my mother ever knew, she'd
have had a coronary on the spot. Fortunately, she didn't find out, and
I see no good reason to tell her now.
Now, I'm creating my own characters and a fantasy world where I conspire
to lure you into the realm of possibilities so we can dream together.
is a huge part of my life. I have a wonderful husband and I'm living a
dream come true. And that's just what I want to share with you, my
readers. And more importantly, I want to make you fall in love all over
again with your significant other.
At heart, I'm a Jersey girl.
As a result, all my stories take place on the east coast--mostly New
York. Even though I live in Arizona, the east coast is my passion and
I'm looking forward to moving back to be with family and friends.
often asked how I got started with writing. I actually started writing
for therapy. I can hear you laughing. But it's the truth.
Fortunately, a few years later, I met a woman on a cruise, in the hot
tub of all places and she told me she was a published author. We
chatted about my hopes and dreams and from thence it began. I joined
Romance Writers of America and several other RWA chapters, both local
and online to learn everything I could. I took workshops and college
classes, read books on the subject and here I am today.
I'm proud
to say I had my very first manuscript, published by the first publisher
I'd submitted it to. The funny thing is I hadn't submitted it to them
because I wanted to have it published, but because RWA needed proof that
I'd finished a manuscript in order for me to achieve PRO status!
Imagine my surprise when Avalon Books called me to say they wanted to
buy it!