Sunday, July 20, 2014


I'm so excited! I'll be leaving for San Antonio on Tuesday morning for the RWA conference where I'm going to see so many of my friends like Carolyn Brown, Shirley Marks, and many others, and of course, make new ones. But one of the most exciting reunions is with my friend, Karen Matuszewski, whom I haven't seen in about seventeen years. Karen and I worked together in the Legal Department at Bellcore in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, and have remained friends ever since, although somehow, we lost contact when she moved to Austin, Texas. But it didn't take long to revitalize that span of missed contact.

Now years later, and we get to have a week of girlfriendism--a pajama party of sorts. In between my networking and attending workshops, we'll do some sightseeing and party hearty at night.  I hear the Riverwalk in San Antonio is pretty darn awesome.

And besides all that, I have two publisher parties to attend, two signings: the Literary Signing on Wednesday night, and on Saturday afternoon, my publisher, Montlake Romance, is sponsoring a signing and we'll be giving the books away for free. So if you're in the area of the Marriott Riverwalk, please stop by and say hello and while you're at it, grab a signed copy of my latest release, Catering to Love.

Another exciting event takes place on Saturday night. The Gala Affair where some really BIG named authors will attend and cheer on those authors who've been nominated for the Golden Heart Awards or a RITA. This is always an exciting event because it's just like the Academy Awards. Such an amazing event.

I haven't even started to pack yet, but I have no doubt things will fall into place tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll be taking lots of pictures and will do a post on the week when I return so you can meet my friends.

See you when I get back!!

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